MMIX Route Servers

MMIX maintains route servers at each of the Peering LANS allowing member to establish multilateral peering with other participants Technical Details are as follows: -

Route Servers IPv4 Address Peering AS
ygnmmix-rs1 9654
ygnmmix-rs2 9654
mdymmix-rs1 9333
mdymmix-rs2 9333

All route servers filter bogon address ranges.

Policy Control

Policy control is done by using of BGP Communities. Members must tag their routes with the following to control policy via the route servers. Besides the standard well-known community attributes like NO_EXPORT and NO_ADVERTISE, the following table shows other supported attributes and the top-down evaluation order.

Yangon IXP

0:9654 Block Announcement of prefixes to all peers
0:(peer-as) Block Announcement of prefixes to certain peer
9654:(peer-as) Advertise to certain peer
40027:40000 Advertise to Netflix
9654:20940 Advertise to Akamai
9654:54994 Advertise to Wangsu
9654:11344 Advertise to GGC

Mandalay IXP

0:9333 Block Announcement of prefixes to all peers
0:(peer-as) Block Announcement of prefixes to certain peer
9333:(peer-as) Advertise to Certain peer
40027:40000 Advertise to Netflix
9333:20940 Advertise to Akamai
9333:54994 Advertise to Wangsu

Prefixes which are untagged will be advertised to all route server peers. Attributes that do not much MMIX’s attributes will be passed on transparently. For members having 4-bytes ASN, they will be mapped to private ASNs. Hence, prefixes announcement is still possible to be manipulated using community strings.

Sr. Member Name Account Name 4-bytes ASN 2-Byte ASN
1 AGB Communication Co., Ltd. AGB 134739 65001
2 Akamai AKM 20940
3 AyarNet Co., Ltd. AYN 149810 65030
4 Campana Mythic Co., Ltd. CPN 136168 65021
5 Fortune Telecom Co., Ltd. FTC 135371 65006
6 Golden Myanmar United Telecom Co.,Ltd GMUT 140686 65016
7 Horizon Telecom International Co., Ltd. HTI 132148 65008
8 IT Spectrum Co., Ltd. ITS 136210 65026
9 Kaopu Cloud KPC 138915 65029
10 Kinetic Myanmar Technology Co., Ltd. KMT 63998
11 Marga Global Telecom Limited. MGT 136474 65022
12 Myanmar Broadband Telecom Co., Ltd. MBT 135300 65025
13 Myanmar Country Co.,Ltd MMC 134840 65018
14 Myanmar Information Highway Limited MIH 136780 65012
15 Myanmar Light Global Co., Ltd. MLG 142423 65017
16 Myanmar Unilink Communication Co., Ltd. UNL 136480 65009
17 Ocean Wave Communication Co., Ltd. OCW 136442 65020
18 Packet Clearing House PCH 42
19 Qunatil Networks (Wangsu) WSU 54994
20 RIPE NCC RIPE 25151
21 Southeastasianet Technologies Myanmar Co., Ltd STM 132344 65002
21 Telecom International Myanmar Co., Ltd.(Mytel) TIM 136255 65011
23 TelcoSpeed Communications Co., Ltd. TCS 139003 65027
24 Treasure Chindwin Net Co., Ltd. TCS 136229 65031
25 Yatanarpon Teleport Public Co., Ltd YTP 131322 65005
26 Zoom Plus Co., Ltd ZPC 133433 65032

Contact Us

MYANMAR INTERNET EXCHANGEBuilding (18), 2nd Floor, MICT Park, Hlaing Campus, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

+959941212340, +959881312340, +959789812340 - service inquiry - technical support - finance and billing